The Heaven on Earth Collection – MAATÏ MAATÏ

The Heaven on Earth Collection

Because Your Block is Your Blessing.
And beyond is Heaven on Earth.

Transforming our Blocks, that are holding us back into our biggest Blessings.
This is the duality experience on this Earth. Our Mission. Understanding this, Life gets Angelic.

THE BLOCKS - Heaven on Earth. A reminder of who you are.
And that Heaven on Earth is a state within, that you can create.

Your Inner Angel awaits you. With all your duality perfections. No need to change a thing in the cosmic plan. Unless you want. Then do. You got it within. And so the world transforms. Here and Now. 
111% Angel Frequency. 

Welcome to The 111% Angel Collection, beloved soulMAATÏs.

With this collection we want to dive deeper into the complex question of: What is Heaven on Earth? 

Is it a place? A Location? Or a state? Is it far away or maybe right here? Right in front of you and me? In the midst of the chaos? Beyond the drama, behind the doubts, the fear, all that duality distraction? Maybe “Heaven on Earth” is self made. Maybe it appears after all the inner work. Or maybe we don’t even have to actively do anything to achieve it, because it is here anyway. We just have to listen. We just have to open our eyes, our ears and our hearts. To feel, to see, to hear it. Because Heaven on Earth is here. Right here. And right now. Not in the future - not only after 8053850 manifestations and another 9859483 self improvement courses. Maybe all that hard work on us isn’t even needed. Maybe we can just meet it - in deep (self) trust and love…in that frequency. I believe it is here. Right here - with you. Because you are Heaven on Earth. And you can create it. Anytime. In this moment - with your own energy. How you do that? Be fully honest with you - what makes you feel like heaven…? That’s how you create it…Get creative! Do it your way! And oh please - don’t get dogmatic over it, have fun during that ride. That’s why we are here - to experience duality and create Heaven on Earth, remembering where we are coming from, what our natural angel state is like - what we did up there when we were free energy floating around, dancing and singing on clouds? We can do that here, too :) Right here, on planet Earth. Creating Heaven.

So…how to create that state? Do you feel it the best way when connecting with Nature? Is it in finding and sharing Love with other people? Is it in embodying your inner unstoppable self and your animalistic power and truest self? Or is it in direct energy work and the connection with higher realms - light beings of all kinds, like angels, Elohim, Ascended Masters and your Spirit Guides?

This Collection is a reminder to (re-) create that Heaven on Earth State within and then spread it. And allowing us to have fun while doing it. Exactly now. After all that darkness - or in the midst of all that darkness. We can transform duality right now into Heaven on Earth. Ready? Let’s go.

Oh and - also when connecting with Angel Energies - just a quickie quick info message coming through here, too: IT IS IN YOU, TOO. Not far away in other universes, that separation is over now. Right here, next to you, sitting at the coffee table having a cappuccino with you, my angel. Angels meet now. On Earth. And together we create Heaven. On Earth. 

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